Executive Board
Action’s executive directors, our CEO Hajir Hajji and CFO Joost Sliepenbeek, are responsible for the day-to-day management of the company and together form the Executive Board. They lead by example with respect to managing risk and ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, and our internal policies. The Executive Board is assisted and supported in carrying out their duties and responsibilities by an executive committee consisting of 16 senior leaders responsible for the key functions in our company.
3i Group
Over 80% of Action’s shares are owned by 3i Group plc and funds managed by 3i, a FTSE 100 firm with operations across Europe and North America. Action has a one-tier governance structure with a Board of Directors, consisting of our CEO and our CFO as executive directors and six non-executive directors. Our current non-executive directors are Simon Borrows (board chair), Menno Antal, Marc van Gelder, Robert van Goethem, Boris Kawohl, Sameer Narang, Ulrich Wolters, Jasi Halai and Rutger Vos. An Audit Committee and a Selection, Nomination and Remuneration Committee have been established as sub-committees of the board.