Making sustainability accessible

Every day, we dedicate ourselves to delivering products that go beyond compliance with safety and quality standards. Our commitment extends beyond sourcing; we actively prioritise social and environmental interests throughout our value chain while ensuring our products remain accessible and affordable. We’re constantly innovating to enhance product circularity, while actively mitigating the harmful effects of packaging pollution. By prioritising the use of renewable materials and reducing packaging waste, we’re working towards a more sustainable future.

  • 95% of factories in risk countries were assessed on social impacts through social audits and spot checks.
  • 100% of the timber in our products (except A-brands) comes from sustainably managed forests, certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC).
  • 100% of the cotton we use in our products (except A-brands) is now sustainably sourced under the Better Cotton programme, or it’s organic or recycled.
  • 100% of the cocoa used in Action products is certified as sustainable by Fairtrade International, or by other recognised standards.
  • 100% of the palm oil used as a primary ingredient in food & drink and candles is certified as sustainable under the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) or a similar organisation. Our aim is to extend this to personal care products by the end of 2025.
  • 100% of private label packaging recyclable (no PVC or black plastics).

Sustainable sourcing of natural resources

Action operates a vast and intricate global supply chain, spanning 14 diverse product categories. We hold a steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship, human rights, and fair labour practices. Recognising our capacity to foster positive social and environmental outcomes through our global supply chain, we prioritise transparency and accountability. Essential to sustainable sourcing is a thorough understanding of the origins and production methods of the products we procure. That’s why we’re dedicated to achieving full technical transparency for private and white label products, urging suppliers to align with our rigorous sourcing policies[DW1] [DW2] . We actively map our products to their respective factories and gauge our impact by monitoring the percentage of factories assessed for their social and environmental practices.

Read more about our policies for Responsible Sourcing


We embrace our responsibility to reduce the waste impact of packaging by making choices about alternative packaging, using different materials, less packaging material, phasing out non-recyclable packaging, and replacing plastic packaging where possible with more sustainable materials such as wood, paper and cardboard, or using another design. In 2022, we achieved our target of 100% recyclable packaging in our private label assortment. By 2025, we aim that 100% of our primary packaging to be made from recyclable materials.

Read more about packaging


When we buy a product, we consider its circularity – i.e., how much recycled material it contains, or whether the product itself is recyclable. The more recyclable our products, the less goes to waste. To enhance our commitment to circularity, we’re focusing on enhancing at least five products from each of our top 50 items across 14 product categories. This strategic approach allows us to enact meaningful change on a significant scale. Already, we’ve successfully improved products across ten categories. Using the Circular Transition Indicators framework, we evaluate the circularity of these products by examining their design, usage, and end-of-life stages. Depending on each product’s functionality, we identify specific circular improvements to implement. We have made significant improvements in linen, hobby and garden & outdoor products. Examples include our Comfibed duvets, containing 100% recycled polyester filling, our Sologic charging cable, made of more sustainable textile braiding, and our Van Bleiswijck paint tubes, made off 30% recycled content. To reduce waste, we are also looking to make it easier to repair our electronic goods. And under our Responsible Plastics Policy, we want to increase the share of recycled plastic in our products to 35% by the end of 2025.

We build strong supplier partnerships ​

Around 44% of our supplies originate from Europe; in fact, in several countries, we sell products of local origin. We also source products from China, India and other countries in Asia. Currently, we are looking to buy more products from wholesalers and importers closer to our stores to avoid possible supply disruptions and reduce our transport costs and environmental impact. We apply the same strict quality and production standards, irrespective of the source of our products.

We look to build long-term relationships with our suppliers – to ensure product quality and availability. Some of our suppliers have been with Action since we started in 1993. Four suppliers tell their inspiring stories about working for and with Action for so long.​


If there’s someone who’s been by Action’s side since the early days, it’s Charlette van der Drift (67). The brain behind the wildly popular underwear line was on board back when Action was founded in 1993.

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Read more about Undies

Schulpen Schuim

Made by Schulpen Schuim, the yellow cloths were sold at the very first Action store in Enkhuizen. “I thought to myself then, I wonder how this will turn out”, says director Nino Schulpen. Looking back now, I think we can say they did rather well.

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Read more about Schulpen Schuim


“We’re not a supplier; we’re partners, and I’m really proud of that.” We talked to Ed Veelenturf, whose company Vespo has supplied Action with ‘everything you could possibly find in a linen cupboard’ from day one.

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Read more about Vespo


Some suppliers have literally grown with Action over the last thirty years. And in order to maintain such rapid growth, suppliers need to continue to innovate. As Dayes’ managing directors Rogier van der Vat and Fabio Magnani tell us, that’s really hard to do.

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Read more about Dayes