Na onderzoek van de Nederlandse Consumentenbond komen de Action opzetborstels voor de Oral-B electrische tandenborstel het Beste uit de Test! De Nederlandse Consumentenbond vergeleek opzetborstels van Oral-B, Philips Sonicare en 5 andere goedkopere alternatieven. De Action opzetborstels kregen het hoogste cijfer en kosten €0,31 per stuk, terwijl die van Oral-B €7,- kosten.
The essence of Action: small prices, big smiles
Welcome to Action! Starting in a small store 30 years ago in Enkhuizen, Netherlands, we've grown to become Europe's fastest-growing non-food discounter. With 2,566 stores and more than 15.3 million weekly customers, we offer a constantly changing selection of 6,000 products at unbeatable prices. Our diverse team of nearly 70,000 employees from 155 nationalities across 12 countries is dedicated to providing quality and sustainability.
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Action 2024 net sales grow 21.7% to €13.8 billion; like-for-like growth 10.3%
Non-food discounter Action today announced its sales development for 2024. Net sales grew to €13.8 billion in 2024, up 21.7% from 2023. Like-for-like sales (excluding new stores) grew by 10.3% thanks to more customers visiting existing stores.
Een glimlach voor iedereen!
Onze klanten blij maken en een glimlach bezorgen: dat doen we elke dag. Action is sponsor van het hartverwarmende tv-programma ‘De Beste Wensen’. Hierin krijgen mensen die het moeilijk hebben of zich extra inzetten voor anderen een mooi cadeau of unieke ervaring. Een geweldig initiatief waar wij met veel plezier aan hebben geholpen door onze producten zoals Mini Matters, Hotel Royal, Max & More en Superfinn te doneren.
Action Spectrum hoogglans spuitverf wint ‘Beste product van het jaar 2024-2025’
In de grootschalige Nederlandse consumentenverkiezing ‘Beste product van het jaar’ is onze Spectrum hoogglans spuitverf bekroond in de categorie ‘coatings’!
Action's nine-month net sales grow to €9.6 billion (+20.9%), like-for-like sales growth 9.8%
Today, non-food discounter Action announced its trading update for the first nine months of 2024. During this period, Action’s net sales increased to €9.6 billion (+20.9% compared to the same period in 2023). Like-for-like sales (excluding new stores) increased by 9.8%. After 4,000 price reductions in 2023 and 2024, Action’s sales growth is driven by a higher number of customers.
Action opens its 100th Italian store in Nola, Napoli
From today onwards, residents of Nola can enjoy Action’s unique formula, offering 6,000 good quality products across 14 categories (from toys and handicrafts to household products, gardening, DIY, and food), at the lowest price. Action introduces 150 new products every week, ensuring a relevant assortment that caters to various needs and preferences. Only one third of the product assortment is fixed and150 new products are introduced each week, which is a key component of our success and sets it apart from other retailers.
Les ventes nettes du S1 2024 ont augmenté de 20,1% (en comparaison avec la même période en 2023) pour atteindre 6,2 milliards d'euros (+9% à périmètre constant). La croissance des ventes est due à la vente de plus de produits aux nouveaux et anciens clients. Durant le premier semestre de l’année, Action a réduit le prix de plus de 1 300 produits, en plus des 2 500 réductions de prix déjà opérées l'année dernière. Sur les 6 derniers mois, Action a accueilli en moyenne plus de 17,3 millions de clients par semaine dans 2 685 magasins répartis dans 12 pays. De plus, le parc de magasins Action a bénéficié de l’ouverture de 119 nouveaux magasins durant le premier semestre 2024 et prévoit d’ouvrir 330 nouveaux magasins pour l’année 2024.
Netto-omzet Action in eerste half jaar € 6,2 miljard (+ 20,1%), dankzij 17,3 miljoen klanten per week
De netto-omzet groeide in het eerste half jaar naar € 6,2 miljard (+ 20,1%), in vergelijking met dezelfde periode in 2023. De like-for-like omzet steeg met 9,0%. De omzetgroei is te danken aan de verkoop van meer producten aan nieuwe en bestaande klanten. Action heeft tot dusver dit jaar meer dan 1.300 producten in prijs verlaagd, naast de prijsverlagingen van 2.500 producten vorig jaar. Action verwelkomde gemiddeld meer dan 17,3 miljoen klanten per week over de eerste zes maanden in 2.685 winkels in 12 landen. Action voegde in deze periode 119 nieuwe winkels toe en ligt op koers om dit jaar 330 nieuwe winkels te openen.
Action half year net sales €6.2 billion (+20.1%), thanks to 17.3 million customers per week
Half year net sales rose to €6.2 billion (+20.1% compared to the same period in 2023). Like-for-like sales increased by 9.0%. Sales growth is due to selling more products to new and existing customers. So far this year, Action has reduced more than 1,300 product prices, in addition to last year’s 2,500 price reductions. Action has welcomed 17.3 million customers a week on average over the past six months in 2,685 stores in 12 countries. Action added 119 new stores this period and is on track to open 330 new stores this year.
Action opent op 13 Juli nieuwe winkel in Waddinxveen
Het nieuwe filiaal in Waddinxveen opent in het Winkelcentrum Gouweplein. Het is het derde nieuwe Action-filiaal van 2024 in Nederland, nummer 416 in totaal. Bij de nieuwe winkel kunnen bezoekers de eerste twee uur gratis parkeren onder het winkelcentrum. Daarnaast is de locatie goed te bereiken vanuit Boskoop, Reeuwijk, een deel van Gouda en de omliggende gemeente Zuidplas. Het adres van de nieuwe winkel is Binnendoor 40.
Action A-Force batteries tested best at Radar
In a recent test by consumer program Radar, Action A-Force Power Alkaline batteries came out on top! Students from the ROC College Westpoort examined 24 different brands of alkaline AA batteries. Action competed against brands such as Duracell, Sony and various private labels such as Kruidvat, Hema and Trekpleister. The result: our A-Force batteries deliver the most power for the lowest price.
From invention to the Action stores: a smart painting solution for everyday use
Today Action launches its new product the ‘Brush Saver’ in all Action stores. The Brush Saver is a smart brush vacuum that keeps paint brushes in optimal condition and prevents them from drying out, making it possible to reuse again and again. This award winning invention has become the newest product on the shelves in The Netherlands from today. Action developed the product and made it ready to produce on a large scale.
Sterke start 2024 voor Action
Vergeleken met het eerste kwartaal van 2023 steeg de netto-omzet met 20,9% tot €3 miljard. De like-for-like omzet (exclusief het effect van nieuwe winkels) steeg met 9,8%, wat opnieuw aantoont dat Action relevant is voor klanten van zijn bestaande winkels. Action verlaagde de prijzen van meer dan 1.000 producten in het eerste kwartaal, bovenop de prijsverlagingen van 2.500 producten die vorig jaar al zijn doorgevoerd. Action voegde 42 nieuwe winkels toe aan het totaal en sloot de periode af met 2.608 winkels in 12 Europese landen.
Action opens its 3rd store in Paris
Action, the non-food discount retailer, opens its 3rd Parisian store, today to meet growing demand. This latest opening brings the total number of Action stores in France to 807.
Action opent op 20 April nieuwe winkel in Gouda
Action opent zijn deuren in Gouda. Het is het tweede nieuwe Action-filiaal van 2024 in Nederland, nummer 415 in totaal. Het filiaal is goed bereikbaar, er zijn veel gratis parkeerplaatsen aanwezig en de winkel bevindt zich in een winkelcentrum met een groot winkelaanbod. Het adres van de nieuwe winkel is Gildenburg 90.
Action opent op 6 April nieuwe winkel in La Louvière
Action opent op 6 April nieuwe winkel in Velserbroek
Action opent een nieuwe winkel in Velserbroek. Het is het eerste nieuwe Action-filiaal van 2024 in Nederland. Voor de winkel zijn er drie winkelunits samengevoegd om het ruime assortiment aan te bieden aan de klanten. Met verschillende retailers zoals een Vomar en een Dekamarkt en de gelegenheid om je auto gratis te parkeren biedt de winkel heel wat voordelen. Het adres van de nieuwe winkel is Galle Promenade 4.
Action voted Favourite French Retailer for 2024
For the second year in a row, Action, the fast-growing non-food discounter, is elected Favourite French Retailer by the consulting agency EY-Parthenon as part of their annual " Favourite French Retailer" study, which is unveiled today.
Action results 2023: continued growth and development
In 2023, Action's net sales increased by 27.8% to €11.3 billion, largely as a result of like-for-like sales growth of 16.7%. Action added 303 new stores and operated a total of 2,566 stores in 11 countries. Operating EBITDA increased by 34% to €1,615 million. Action created 8,988 jobs and employed 69,040 people of 155 different nationalities.
Action opens its first store in Portugal
Action, the fast-growing non-food discounter, opens its first store in Portugal on Thursday, February 29th. The company’s first Portugal store opens in Vila Nova de Gaia, in the Porto district, and more stores will open in other regions before the end of 2024. Portugal is the 12th country where Action operates.
Action Growth Continues: 27.8% Sales Growth to €11.3 Billion
Action, the non-food discounter, realised net sales of €11.3 billion in 2023, up 27.8% from 2022. The like-for-like sales growth of 16.7%, mainly due to more customers shopping in existing Action stores, demonstrates the strength of the Action formula. Action added 303 new stores in 2023. The company now welcomes an average of 15.3 million customers a week.
All Action Cotton is Responsibly Sourced
Action has achieved a milestone by only using responsibly sourced cotton. This reflects our commitment to environmentally responsible and socially conscious practices. 99% of our cotton is sourced as Better Cotton, and 1% is sourced as organic cotton.
Action opens its 2,500th store
Action, the fastest-growing non-food discounter in Europe, passes the 2,500th store mark with the opening of a new store in Madrid, Spain today.
Action opens its 2,500th store
Action, the fastest-growing non-food discounter in Europe, passes the 2,500th store mark with the opening of a new store in Madrid, Spain today.
Another Strong Quarter For Action, More Price Reductions Announced
Every week Action welcomes millions of price-conscious customers to its stores. Net sales for the first nine months of 2023 rose to €7.9 billion (+30.5%) as a result of Action's rapid international expansion and strong growth in existing stores. In the first nine months of 2023, Action added 153 new stores. The total number of stores grew to 2,416 in 11 European countries. The growth of existing stores (like-for-like) was 19.2%.
300th Action store in Poland
In the city of Elblag, Action opened its 300th store in Poland on October 26. Action, the fastest-growing non-food discounter in Europe, opened its first store in Poland in 2017 in Leszno.
Action opens first store in Rome, now 50 in Italy
Action opened its first store in the city of Rome on Thursday 19 October. This illustrates its strong expansion in Italy, reaching 50 stores and 1,000 employees in the country.
Action extends partnership with SOS Children's Villages to support vulnerable children
Action is pleased to announce the extension of its partnership with SOS Children's Villages, starting from January 1, 2024, for a period of 3 years. This partnership, which began in 2018, has proven to be a powerful collaboration dedicated to the well-being of vulnerable children worldwide.
Retailer of the Year Awards: consumers choose Action
Action's dedicated focus on customer happiness is once again awarded. In the prestigious Retailer of the Year awards, organised across various European countries, Action emerged as a winner in multiple categories, affirming its status as a beloved retail destination for shoppers.
Retailer of the Year Awards: consumers choose Action
Action's dedicated focus on customer happiness is once again awarded. In the prestigious Retailer of the Year awards, organised across various European countries, Action emerged as a winner in multiple categories, affirming its status as a beloved retail destination for shoppers.
Action opens its 500th store in Germany
On September 21, 2023, the non-food discounter Action celebrates the opening of its 500th store in Germany. With this milestone, the company, which has been present in Germany since 2009, marks a significant achievement in its expansive success story.
Success Action continues in first half of 2023
Action has had a good first half of 2023. Driven by demand from more than 14 million weekly customers, revenue grew 33.5% in the first half year compared to the same period last year to €5.2 billion.
Action trucks switch to biodiesel
From today, Action's 150 trucks are running on HVO 100 biodiesel from its distribution centres (DC) in Zwaagdijk and Echt. This is an important step in making Actions operations more sustainable by reducing emissions from its trucks by 90%. The switch to biodiesel is the result from a successful pilot at the head office in Zwaagdijk where we investigated the effects of HVO 100.
Action’s Superfinn limescale cleaner awarded Best Buy by the Dutch Consumer Association
Action's limescale cleaner, Superfinn anti limescale, has been awarded Best Buy by the Dutch Consumers' Association (Consumentenbond) for the best value for money. Superfinn is an affordable option for consumers looking for an effective limescale cleaner. A total of 24 bathroom cleaners were reviewed on their price and tested for limescale removal, limescale soap removal, material deterioration, sustainability, limescale protection and ease of use. Superfinn is available for €1.50 per 750ml bottle.
Action opens its third distribution centre in Poland, in Zakroczym
Action, the fastest-growing non-food discount retailer in Europe, officially opens its third distribution centre in Poland today, located in Zakroczym. This is Action's 13th distribution centre in Europe.
Opening Action’s 5th distribution centre in France and 12th in total
Today, Michel Illac, Mayor of Ensues la Redonne, Hajir Hajji, CEO of Action and Richard Delgenes, Supply Chain Manager Action Logistic, opened the company’s fifth distribution centre (DC) in France. With this DC located in Ensues la Redonne, Action is taking a new step forward and strengthens its supply in France to live up to its ambitions.
Action opens its 100th store in Austria!
Today, 24 May, we opened our 100th store in Austria! This store opened in capital city Vienna and is the 22nd store here. Action has been active in this country since 2015.
All of Action’s own cocoa products Fairtrade-sourced
All of Action’s own brand cocoa products are made from sustainably grown and Fairtrade-sourced cocoa beans. This applies to all our fixed and seasonal assortment of chocolate. We are very proud of this achievement and we believe that we have the scale and opportunity to provide our customers with good quality, sustainable products at the lowest price possible.
Klantwaardering basis energieke start Action in 2023
In de eerste drie maanden van 2023 maakt Action de positie van snelst groeiende non-food discounter van Europa opnieuw waar. De netto-omzet groeide met 36,2% naar €2.485 miljoen. Op vergelijkbare basis (like-for-like; zonder het effect van nieuwe winkels) groeide de omzet ten opzichte van het eerste kwartaal een jaar eerder met 24,3%. Het aantal winkels nam toe met 34. Inmiddels heeft Action na het eerste kwartaal van 2023 de mijlpaal van 2.300 winkels in 11 Europese landen gepasseerd.
Zenova sunscreen awarded with multiple prizes in Belgium and the Netherlands
Zenova's octocrylene-free sun milk for sensitive skin with SPF30 has been voted Best Buy and Best of Test in the category sun milk with SPF30 in Belgium. In the Netherlands the sunscreen was awarded Best Buy, Best in Test and Green Choice by the Consumers' Association (Consumentenbond) in the same category. Action’s Zenova products have a new sustainable formulation and are available from €2.39.
Customers love Action according to the Retail Brand Research
Action has the best price-quality ratio among all Dutch retail chains. For the first time, Action is also in the Top 3 of the strongest retail brands in the Netherlands. Additionally, Action is number 2 in terms of growth expectations. We are proud of this because these good scores in the Retail Brand Research 2023 were determined by Dutch consumers
Action is the favourite retail brand of France 2023
The distinction ‘Favourite Retailer France’ was awarded by consulting agency EY-Parthenon as part of their annual study, which was unveiled today.
Action is the favourite retail brand of France 2023
The distinction ‘Favourite Retailer France’ was awarded by consulting agency EY-Parthenon as part of their annual study, which was unveiled today.
Action continued to experience strong growth in 2022
Discounter Action has ended 2022 with strong financial results. The company grew in the countries in which it operates and its number of stores increased by 280, which is a record level of store openings in a year. In addition, good progress was made in improving the quality and sustainability of its products. This is evident from the Action Update 2022 which was published today.
Action continued to experience strong growth in 2022
Discounter Action has ended 2022 with strong financial results. The company grew in the countries in which it operates and its number of stores increased by 280, which is a record level of store openings in a year. In addition, good progress was made in improving the quality and sustainability of its products. This is evident from the Action Update 2022 which was published today.
Slovakia 11th Action country in Europe
On the 2nd of March we have officially opened our first store in Bratislava, Slovakia! This is the eleventh country in Europe where Action opens its doors. In the coming weeks and months more stores will open in other Slovak regions.
Action opens its first store in Slovakia
Action, the fastest-growing non-food discounter in Europe, opens its first store in Slovakia today. The company’s first Slovak store opens in Bratislava and more stores will open in other regions before the end of 2023. Slovakia is the eleventh country where Action operates.
How Action is helping with the devastating earthquake
As Action we are shocked by the devastating earthquake ripped through Turkey and Syria, leaving destruction and debris on each side of the border. Our thoughts especially go out to our colleagues from Turkey and Syria and their families. We are closely observing the developments with great concern and as a large company we feel we have the responsibility to support where possible.
Action Distribution Centre Zwaagdijk decor for successful charity run
Sunday 29 January, a charity run was organised to raise money for the Princess Máxima Centrum. Actions biggest distribution centre in Zwaagdijk, the Netherlands was the decor for all runners.
Action sales grow by 30% in 2022 to 8.9 billion Euro
Over the full year in 2022, Action achieved net sales in Europe of €8,9 billion, representing growth of 30% compared to 2021. Identical (‘like for like’) sales growth amounted to 18.1%, partly due to fewer Covid measures being in place than in 2021. The loyalty to Action’s brand and range lay partly at the basis of a higher number of transactions and increased store visit frequency of customers who regularly shop at Action These increased by several percent on an annual basis, especially in the larger countries in which Action has been operating for longer. The number of Action stores in Europe increased by 280 to 2,263.
Leading discount retailer Action is 30 years in Europe
Action started almost 30 years ago with one small store in Enkhuizen, the Netherlands - and has been on an amazing journey ever since. Action today employs more than 68,000 people in 10 countries - with more than 124 different nationalities. Action is the fastest growing non-food discounter in Europe, offering an ever-changing range of around 6,000 products to more than 12 million customers in over 2,200 stores and another 8 million consumers via the website – every week.
Action sales in Europe grow by 27%
In the first nine months of 2022, Action achieved sales of €6.1 billion. That is a growth of 27% compared to the first nine months of 2021. The number of stores in Europe is on track for 2022, increasing by 150 to 2,133 stores. This generated jobs for 4,300 employees.
Mini Matters: quality, safety and sustainability matters
Qualitative and durable toys for children from all households made accessible by Action with our private label: Mini Matters. The assortment exists of primarily wooden toy products and plush made of sustainable materials. Mini Matters was launched three years ago with safe top-class toys at highly competitive prices.
Action scores highly with professional-level collection services
With more than 400 stores, Action is a firm fixture in the Dutch retail landscape. This year, the fast-growing non-food discount retailer took home thea Gouden Bakkie Award for its good collection results achieved in the area of lighting.
Action commissions 12,700 solar panels at IHQ
On Friday 23 September, Action CEO Hajir Hajji commissioned a solar roof of almost 13,000 panels at the distribution centre in Zwaagdijk-Oost alongside Edward Stigter, Deputy Minister for the Environment and Climate in the province of Noord-Holland. After the official opening, local and regional businesses attended a meeting on sustainability.
Did you know? Makeup at Action is vegan
Makeup that is good for the people and our planet. That is the high quality and 100% vegan makeup line from our private label Max & More.
Celebrating milestone together with partner SOS
Our CEO Hajir Hajji handed a cheque of 100,000 euros to Arian Buurman, CEO of SOS Children's Villages. The money is raised through the sale of big shoppers specially designed for reaching this milestone.
Smarter and more sustainable packaging
The production and disposal of packaging material presents an enormous challenge to the environment. By making changes in the packaging of products, we ultimately make them more sustainable.
Opening third Action import hub in Gonfreville-l'Orcher (France)
On June 16, Action celebrated the official opening of their third import hub in Gonfreville-l'Orcher, France, near to the port of Le Havre. Just as the import hubs in Marseille (FR) and Wroclaw (PL), this third hub will be operated by our logistic partner Katoen Natie.
Hotel quality towels for a small price and sustainable!
Towels that give you the feeling you’re in a wellness center; that is what you can expect of our premium quality Hotel Royal towels made from 100% cotton. Hotel Royal is one of Action’s many private labels. This is a label that provides you the luxury and comfort of a hotel towel for a small price. These towels meet the requirements of the 'OEKO-TEX® Made in Green' label. Which means that the towels have been tested for harmful substances and have been manufactured under responsible conditions. On top of this, they also bear the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) label of which Action has been a member since 2018. Creating additional positive impact for cotton farmers globally.
Action’s skin care range Alvira is 100% vegan
At Action we have several private label brands. One of them is Alvira Skin Care. All products under this label are 100% vegan, dermatologically tested and take care of every type of skin perfectly for a good price. Our Alvira skin care range consists of various skin care products, such as fresh face wash, micellar water (awarded with the Editors’ Choice in the Belgian Beauty Award 2021), makeup remover, day cream and more
Progress through insights into product circularity
As a leading retailer, it comes as no surprise that our products are the largest impact contributors. We therefore invest in sustainable sourcing and production to enable our future and responsible growth. Our collaboration with impact organisation Circle Economy generates company wide insights into where our products stand on circularity. With the insights from circularity baseline assessments per category we can assess how circular our 14 product categories are.
Action’s growth in Europe going strong
In 2021, Action achieved sales of €6.8 billion. This represents growth of 22.7% compared to 2020. Thanks to 267 new stores, including stores in Italy, and two new distribution centres in Poland and Slovakia, Action approached the 2,000-store milestone, which the chain reached in the first month of 2022. This makes Action the fastest growing non-food discount retailer in Europe. At the same time, Action is making progress with its sustainability programme. By then end of 2024, all stores will be gas free. By 2030, Action expects to reduce absolute emissions from its own operations by 50% compared to 2020. In addition, Action is working on initiatives around the circularity of its products, especially items with the highest sales volume.
Action’s growth in Europe going strong
In 2021, Action achieved sales of €6.8 billion. This represents growth of 22.7% compared to 2020. Thanks to 267 new stores, including stores in Italy, and two new distribution centres in Poland and Slovakia, Action approached the 2,000-store milestone, which the chain reached in the first month of 2022. This makes Action the fastest growing non-food discount retailer in Europe. At the same time, Action is making progress with its sustainability programme. By then end of 2024, all stores will be gas free. By 2030, Action expects to reduce absolute emissions from its own operations by 50% compared to 2020. In addition, Action is working on initiatives around the circularity of its products, especially items with the highest sales volume.
Action makes its debut in Spain
Europe’s fastest-growing non-food discounter opens its first Spain store in Girona today. Action successfully surprises customers with a broad, ever-changing assortment and the lowest prices in over 2,000 stores across Europe.
Action breaks through the milestone of 2000 stores!
It has been almost 30 years ago since Action started with just one small discount store in Enkhuizen, the Netherlands. And we are very proud to say that on the 17th of January 2022 we opened our 2000th store in Prague!
Hajir Hajji to succeed Sander van der Laan as CEO of Action
The Board of Directors of Action announced on November 2, that Sander van der Laan will be stepping down as CEO of Action to be succeeded by Hajir Hajji, currently Commercial Director and member of the executive management team. The handover marks the next phase of development for Action, in which continued commitment to its customers and significant growth will be coupled with the further implementation of Action’s digital and sustainability strategy.
Action opens 200th store in Belgium
On the morning of Thursday 28 October, Action opened its 200th store in Belgium, located in the city of Mechelen. This contributes to the non-food discounter’s steady growth. Eleven new stores have been opened this year, including stores in Brussels, Zelzate and Charleroi.
Celebrating opening in Girona, Spain with partnership Cruyff Foundation
In addition to the opening of Actions new store in Girona, Spain, Action closes a three-year collaboration agreement with the Johan Cruyff Foundation. The Cruyff Foundation supports and develops high-impact sports and leisure projects around the world, focusing on children and young people for whom sport is not an evidence.
Action makes its debut in Spain
Europe’s fastest-growing non-food discounter opened its first Spain store in Girona on the February 8, 2022. Action successfully surprises customers with a broad, ever-changing assortment and the lowest prices in over 2,000 stores across Europe.
Action breaks through the milestone of 2000 stores!
It has been almost 30 years ago since Action started with just one small discount store in Enkhuizen, the Netherlands. And we are very proud to say that on the 17th of January 2022 we opened our 2000th store in Prague!
Hajir Hajji to succeed Sander van der Laan as CEO of Action
The Board of Directors of Action announced on November 2, that Sander van der Laan will be stepping down as CEO of Action to be succeeded by Hajir Hajji, currently Commercial Director and member of the executive management team. The handover marks the next phase of development for Action, in which continued commitment to its customers and significant growth will be coupled with the further implementation of Action’s digital and sustainability strategy.
Action opens 200th store in Belgium
On the morning of Thursday 28 October, Action opened its 200th store in Belgium, located in the city of Mechelen. This contributes to the non-food discounter's steady growth. Eleven new stores have been opened this year, including stores in Brussels, Zelzate and Charleroi.
Action durchbricht Marke von 400 Filialen in Deutschland
Düsseldorf, 02. Juli 2021. Action hat die Schwelle von 400 Filialen in Deutschland überschritten. Im bayerischen Neutraubling errichtete Europas schnell wachsender Nonfood-Discounter bereits im Mai dieses Jahres seine Jubiläumsfiliale. Seit Anfang des Jahres sind hierzulande insgesamt 16 Geschäfte hinzugekommen, in Europa konnte Action über hundert neue Filialen eröffnen und nahezu 3.000 neue Jobs in Voll- und Teilzeit schaffen. Damit setzt Action auch in der Pandemie seinen Expansionskurs fort. Derweil verzeichnet Action Deutschland einen vielversprechenden Start in die Sommer-Verkaufssaison.
ACTION debuts in Italy with several store openings in the North of the country
The international non-food discount store-chain Action arrives in Italy. Starting from Vanzaghello in the Milanese area and Turin, the retailer aims to open at least a total of five stors within the next 3 months. For every store 20 local jobs will be created, a total of more than 140 employees will be hired until the end of this year. Currently, Action employs around 70 employees in Italy. Action surprises millions of customers in more than 1,700 stores across Europe with low prices and a broad offer of essential daily products as well as products that make life easier, more colourful or just more fun. The stores will open its doors to the public on Thursday, April 22nd with all relevant safety and hygiene measures in place.
Action se estrena en Italia con varias inauguraciones de tiendas en el norte del país
La cadena internacional de tiendas de descuento no alimentario Action llega a Italia. Empezando por Vanzaghello, en la zona de Milán y Turín, el minorista pretende abrir al menos un total de cinco tiendas en los próximos 3 meses.
ACTION debutta in Italia con diverse aperture di punti vendita nel Nord Italia
La catena di discount non food internazionale Action arriva in Italia. Partendo da Vanzaghello nell’Alto Milanese e da Torino, il retailer punta ad aprire almeno un totale di cinque punti vendita entro i prossimi tre mesi. Per ogni store verranno creati circa 20 posti di lavoro, per un totale di oltre 140 assunzioni durante l’anno. Attualmente, Action conta già circa 70 dipendenti in Italia. Action sorprende ogni giorno milioni di clienti nei suoi 1.700 negozi in Europa offrendo prezzi bassi e un vasto assortimento di prodotti di uso quotidiano così come idee e soluzioni che rendono la vita più semplice, colorata e divertente. I due negozi apriranno al pubblico giovedì 22 aprile nel rispetto delle vigenti norme di sicurezza e igiene.
Action świętuje otwarcie 100. sklepu w Polsce
10 grudnia 2020 roku sieć dyskontów niespożywczych Action, oferująca klientom szeroki, często zmieniający się asortyment produktów codziennego użytku w przystępnych cenach, otworzyła swój 100. sklep w Polsce. To bardzo ważny kamień milowy, jaki firma osiągnęła na polskim rynku. Market znajduje się w parku handlowym Zielony Targówek w Warszawie i jest to już druga, po Centrum Łopuszańska 22, lokalizacja Action w stolicy. W planach na 2021 rok jest dalszy rozwój w kierunku północy kraju, a także zwiększanie obecności w dużych miastach.
Action amplía la asociación con Aldeas Infantiles SOS
Action comenzó una asociación con la organización internacional de desarrollo infantil Aldeas Infantiles SOS en enero de 2018. Esta colaboración se extenderá a partir del 1 de enero de 2021.
Action verlengt partnerschap met SOS Kinderdorpen
Action verlengt per 1 januari 2021 het partnerschap met internationale kinderontwikkelingsorganisatie SOS Kinderdorpen, dat startte in januari 2018. Het contract heeft opnieuw een looptijd van drie jaar. “Alle Action-collega’s zijn nauw betrokken en trots op ons partnerschap met SOS”, aldus Hajir Hajji, commercieel directeur van Action. “Door de verlenging van het partnerschap, kunnen we blijven samenwerken aan een liefdevol thuis voor kwetsbare kinderen over de hele wereld”.
Acción inicia operaciones en el noveno centro de distribución
Action inició sus operaciones en su cuarto centro de distribución (CD) en Francia el lunes 16 de noviembre de 2020, creando un total de nueve DC operativos. Con esta plataforma logística en Verrières-en-Anjou en la región de Angers, Action está dando un nuevo paso adelante y equipándose con los medios para cumplir sus ambiciones en el territorio francés mediante la continuación de la expansión de las tiendas y la optimización de su red de distribución en el oeste de Francia.
Action commence ses activités dans le neuvième centre de distribution
Action a commencé ses opérations dans son quatrième centre de distribution (CD) français le lundi 16 novembre 2020, créant ainsi un total de neuf CD opérationnels. Avec cette plate-forme logistique à Verrières-en-Anjou dans la région d'Angers, Action franchit une nouvelle étape et se donne les moyens de ses ambitions sur le territoire français en poursuivant l'expansion de ses magasins et en optimisant son réseau de distribution dans l'ouest de la France.
Action s’installe à Paris et ouvre son 600e magasin en France
Action s’installe à Paris et ouvre son 600e magasin en France. Action, discounter non alimentaire, poursuit son développement en France avec l’ouverture ce jour de son premier magasin parisien. Situé au sein du Centre commercial Parks 181 boulevard MacDonald dans le 19e arrondissement, ce nouveau magasin est également le 600ème point de vente de l’enseigne.
Action innove en proposant une nouvelle expérience shopping
Action ouvre un nouveaux magasin pilote à Sainte-Geneviève-Des-Bois. Ce magasin d’une surface exceptionnelle de 1600 m² propose une nouvelle expérience d’achat encourageant les démarches responsables.
Action entra en la República Checa
Action, el minorista de descuento internacional no alimentario, ha abierto sus primeras dos tiendas en la República Checa hoy. A las tiendas de Hradec Králové y Kladno les seguirán otras tres inauguraciones en la región de Moravia-Silesia durante las dos primeras semanas de septiembre, en Ostrava, Opava y Frýdek-Místek. Action sorprende con éxito a los clientes con un surtido amplio y renovado continuamente y con los precios más bajos en más de 1.600 tiendas de toda Europa.
Action vstupuje na český trh
Action, nejrychleji rostoucí prodejce nepotravinového zboží v Evropě, dnes otevírá své první dvě české prodejny v Hradci Králové a v Kladně. Další tři budou následovat v Moravskoslezském kraji.
Action opens its 500th store in France
Today, Mr Cédric Roussel, Member of the third constituency of Alpes-Maritimes, Mr Franck Martin, Municipal Councillor Delegate for Trade and Markets of Nice and Mr Wouter De Backer, General Manager of Action in France, inaugurated the 500th Action store in France in Nice at the Nice Valley shopping centre.
Action poursuit son développement en France et franchit le cap du 500ème magasin !
Aujourd’hui, M. Cédric Roussel, Député de la troisième circonscription des Alpes-Maritimes, M. Franck Martin, Conseiller Municipal Délégué au commerce et marchés de Nice et M. Wouter De Backer, Directeur Général d’Action en France, ont inauguré le 500ème magasin Action en France à Nice au sein du centre commercial Nice Valley. L’ouverture de ce 500ème magasin s’inscrit dans la dynamique de développement de l’enseigne et conforte ses ambitions sur le territoire français, premier marché d’Action.
Action en or bereiken akkoord over nieuwe arbeidsvoorwaardenregeling
Action en haar ondernemingsraad hebben een akkoord bereikt voor een nieuwe arbeidsvoorwaardenregeling (avr). De regeling geldt met ingang van 1 januari 2020 voor een periode van drie jaar voor alle medewerkers in Nederland in schaal 1 t/m 15. Het betreft meer dan 15.000 medewerkers in de winkels, logistiek en op de kantoren. De huidige avr gold sinds januari 2018 en loopt af per 31 december 2019.
Action inwestuje w rozwój w Polsce
Dzisiaj, 6 listopada 2019 roku, w miejscowości Osła odbyło się oficjalne otwarcie pierwszego w Polsce centrum dystrybucyjnego międzynarodowej sieci dyskontów niespożywczych Action. Firma weszła na polski rynek dwa lata temu, uruchamiając swój sklep w Lesznie i od tego czasu stale rozwija swoją działalność w naszym kraju. Obecnie posiada tu prawie 50 sklepów, głównie w południowo-zachodniej Polsce. Otwarcie centrum dystrybucyjnego w gminie Gromadka na Dolnym Śląsku to duża inwestycja wspierająca ekspansję rynkową Action. W tym roku firma zatrudniła również Sławomira Nitka, doświadczonego polskiego eksperta w zakresie handlu detalicznego, na stanowisko dyrektora generalnego i otworzyła swoje biuro w Katowicach.
300 Filialen und das zweite Distributionszentrum für Action in Deutschland
Das internationale Handelsunternehmen Action hat am Mittwoch sein neues Distributionszentrum im niedersächsischen Peine offiziell eröffnet. Es ist das zweite Logistikzentrum in Deutschland und das siebte insgesamt. Mit rund 90.000 Quadratmetern Fläche schafft das Unternehmen mit niederländischen Wurzeln die Basis für sein weiteres Wachstum in Nord-, Ost- und Mitteldeutschland sowie in Polen. Das Distributionszentrum wurde gemeinsam mit dem Immobilieninvestor Dietz AG errichtet. Am 18. April feiert Action zudem seine 300. Filiale in Deutschland.
Action verlängert Partnerschaft mit SOS-Kinderdörfern
Ab dem 1. Januar 2021 wird Action seine Partnerschaft mit der internationalen Kinderhilfsorganisation SOS Kinderdörfer verlängern, die im Januar 2018 begann. Der Vertrag hat eine weitere Laufzeit von drei Jahren. "Alle Kollegen von Action sind eng eingebunden und stolz auf unsere Partnerschaft mit SOS", sagte Hajir Hajji, Commercial Director of Action. "Durch die Verlängerung der Partnerschaft können wir uns weiterhin gemeinsam für ein liebevolles Zuhause für gefährdete Kinder auf der ganzen Welt einsetzen".
Action inaugure son troisième centre de distribution dans la région lyonnaise
Aujourd’hui, M. Bernard Fialaire, maire de Belleville, M. Sander van der Laan, Président Directeur Général d’Action et M. Wouter De Backer, Directeur Général d’Action en France, ont inauguré le troisième centre de distribution d’Action en France. Avec cette plateforme logistique implantée dans la région lyonnaise, Action franchit une nouvelle étape et se dote des moyens pour remplir ses ambitions sur le territoire français en poursuivant l’expansion de ses points de vente. Avant fin 2019, Action compte ainsi ouvrir son 500ème magasin.
Action en SBB tekenen samenwerkingsovereenkomst
Action en Samenwerkingsorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven (SBB) bundelen hun krachten en tekenen een samenwerkingsovereenkomst die de duurzame begeleiding en de opleiding waarborgt van ruim duizend MBO studenten die jaarlijks in 375 Action-winkels hun vak leren.
ACTION świętuje pierwszą rocznicę w Polsce i rozpoczyna budowę centrum dystrybucyjnego
Ponad rok po wejściu na polski rynek, dynamicznie rosnąca międzynarodowa sieć dyskontów nieżywnościowych Action, prowadzi w Polsce już 15 sklepów i podsumowuje udany rok swojej działalności w kraju. W międzyczasie rozpoczęły się już pierwsze prace budowlane pierwszego centrum dystrybucyjnego Action w Polsce. Centrum dystrybucyjne w miejscowości Osła, w gminie Gromadka, to kolejny kamień milowy w ekspansji Action.
Action in Österreich auf Wachstumskurs
Der internationale Non-Food-Discounter Action setzt sein schnelles Wachstum in Europa – wie auch in Österreich - fort. Das Unternehmen ist mittlerweile mit 28 Filialen in sieben der neun Bundesländer präsent. „Wir wollen unser Filialnetzwerk bundesweit ausbauen und neue Standorte erschließen“, so Action Österreich-Geschäftsführer Wolfgang Tratter. Zudem wolle Action mit der Umsetzung einer weiterentwickelten Filialgestaltung ein noch kundenfreundlicheres Einkaufserlebnis schaffen.
Action eröffnet in Hamburg seine 250. deutsche Filiale
Der international erfolgreiche Non-Food-Discounter Action hat am Donnerstag seine erste Filiale in Hamburg eröffnet. Im Stadtteil Langenhorn gelegen, stellt sie die insgesamt 250. Filiale des schnell wachsenden Unternehmens in Deutschland dar. „Wir freuen uns, dass wir diesen Meilenstein zeitgleich mit unserem 25-jährigen Jubiläum in Hamburg feiern können“, so Action CEO Sander van der Laan anlässlich der Eröffnung, an der auch Action Deutschland-Geschäftsführer Steffen Rosenbauer teilnahm.
Jubiläum: Die 25. Filiale eröffnete Action in Wien
Am 28. Juni eröffnete Action um 9.00 Uhr in der Seyringer Straße 12-14 seine erste Filiale in Wien. Damit feiert der schnell wachsende, internationale Non-Food-Discounter seine 25. Eröffnung in Österreich und damit einen Meilenstein seiner Expansion in Österreich.
Action versterkt management voor toekomstige groei
Per 1 maart a.s. is Hajir Hajji benoemd tot Commercial Director bij Action. Hajir werkt sinds 1997 bij Action en is directielid, verantwoordelijk voor store operations in heel Europa. In haar nieuwe functie wordt zij verantwoordelijk voor alle commerciële activiteiten binnen Action.
Action célèbre ses cinq ans sur le marché Français
Action célèbre cinq ans sur le marché français, dévoile ses ambitions pour 2018, et ouvre son 336eme magasin en France ce jour.
Action entwickelt sich zum nationalen Anbieter
Der internationale Non-Food-Discounter Action hat am Donnerstag im fränkischen Forchheim seine 200. Filiale in Deutschland eröffnet. Action Deutschland-Geschäftsführer Steffen Rosenbauer nannte die Eröffnung eine Bestätigung des Wachstumskurses
BARJANE et ACTION lancent la construction d’un centre de distribution au Nord de la Métropole lyonnaise
Le chantier de la plateforme de 60 000 m² développée par BARJANE pour ACTION vient de débuter. Localisation à 40 km de Lyon, au sein du Technoparc Lybertec, qualité du projet, flexibilité du bâtiment : autant de raisons qui animent le choix du distributeur international dans son implantation!
Action eröffnet 1.000ste Europäische Filiale in Gorinchem
Am Samstag, 21. Oktober 2017, eröffnete die Bürgermeisterin der niederländischen Stadt Gorinchem, Reinie Melissant, offiziell die 1.000ste Filiale in der Arkelstraat in Gorinchem. “Die neue Action-Filiale ist eine tolle Ergänzung des Einkaufsangebots im Zentrum unserer Stadt. Action zieht viele Kunden an und ist daher bei uns sehr willkommen,” bestätigte die Bürgermeisterin.
Wielkie otwarcie ACTION w Lesznie
ACTION, międzynarodowa sieć nieżywnościowych dyskontów, 12 października otworzy swój pierwszy sklep w Polsce. Holenderskie dyskonty zaskakują swoich klientów szerokim, stale zmieniającym się asortymentem i niskimi cenami już w sześciu europejskich krajach. W Galerii Leszno powstał jeden z sześciu sklepów zaplanowanych w Polsce. Co znajdziemy na półkach ACTION?
Action etabliert sich als Kundenmagnet
Der Europäische Non-Food-Discounter Action eröffnet noch in diesem Monat seine 1.000. Filiale und setzt damit seinen Wachstumskurs fort. Allein in 2016 eröffnete Action in den Niederlanden, Belgien, Frankreich, Deutschland, Luxemburg und Österreich 197 neue Filialen, in diesem Jahr werden es noch mehr. Steffen Rosenbauer, Geschäftsführer von Action Deutschland, wies darauf hin, dass davon nicht nur das Unternehmen, sondern der gesamte Standort profitiere. „Wo Action eine Filiale eröffnet, erhöhen sich auch die Besucherzahlen der Geschäfte im Umkreis“, so Rosenbauer.
Action eröffnet erstes Distributionszentrum in Deutschland
Der Non‐Food‐Discounter Action hat am Freitag im südhessischen Biblis sein erstes Distributionszentrum in Deutschland eröffnet. Das schnell wachsende Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz im niederländischen Zwaagdijk legt mit dem Distributionszentrum den Grundstein für weiteres Wachstum innerhalb Deutschlands und in Österreich.
Action ouvre son 150ème magasin en Belgique
Action, le plus grand détaillant discount non-alimentaire d’Europe, ouvrira demain à Nieuport son 150ème magasin en Belgique. En 2017, 17 nouveaux magasins ont ouvert leurs portes en Belgique. Au total, Action compte aujourd'hui plus de 1 100 magasins aux Pays-Bas, en Belgique, au Luxembourg, en Autriche, en Allemagne, en France et en Pologne.
Action opent 150ste winkel in België
Action, de grootste non-food discount retailer van Europa, opent morgen haar 150ste winkel in België. De nieuwe winkel is gevestigd in Nieuwpoort. In 2017 gingen er in België 17 nieuwe winkels open. In totaal heeft Action nu meer dan 1.100 winkels in Nederland, België, Luxemburg, Oostenrijk, Duitsland, Frankrijk en Polen.
Action auf Wachstumskurs: Eröffnung der 100. Filiale in Deutschland
Heute eröffnet Action seine 100. Filiale in Deutschland. Damit setzt der Non-Food Discounter seinen Wachstumskurs fort: Allein im letzten Jahr wurden über 30 neue Filialen in Deutschland eröffnet, in diesem Jahr werden insgesamt 60 Filialen entstehen
Meer dan 750 Action-winkels in Europa
Action, één van de grootste non-food discountretailers van Europa, blijft in hoog tempo groeien en heeft inmiddels meer dan 750 winkels in zes landen.
Over 750 Action stores in Europe
Today Action will open its 100th store in Germany, in Lampertheim, while next week’s opening of a new store in Grenoble will bring the total number of French stores to 200. Action remains focused on international expansion and plans to open more stores before the end of the year.
Action achieves sales growth of 32% and accelerates international expansion
Sander van der Laan, CEO Action, commenting on the 2015 results “Since the day I joined, I was struck by the energy, pride and enthusiasm of my colleagues, whose drive to grow the business and improve the customer experience has made Action the company it is today.